What is Executrix Fetish

Executrix is a FemDom fetish in which the sub fantasizes about the Domme executing him. The Domme and/or sub come up with ways to “end” the subs life. The sub is typically turned on by the idea of the Domme ending his life.

Obviously, it goes without saying that the executrix fetish is only a fantasy.

Ideas for Executrix Fetish

Please keep in mind this section is only to get a newer Domme started. This list is in no way complete or all-inclusive.

It is always most important to use the definition to come up with your own ways to have fun with this fetish with your subs.

– Pretend to inject a poison serum into the sub without his knowledge
– Pretend to inject a poison serum into the sub with his knowledge and explain how the sub must be feeling alongside clip effects
– Pretend to choke the sub out after he has his “last” orgasm

How to learn Executrix Fetish?

Please see my article on How to Learn FemDom Fetishes.