What is Verbal Humiliation Fetish

Verbal Humiliation is a FemDom fetish in which the Domme verbally humiliates Her sub. The sub is very much turned on by hearing his Domme verbally humiliate him.

Ideas for Verbal Humiliation Fetish

Please keep in mind this section is only to get a newer Domme started. This list is in no way complete or all-inclusive.

It is always most important to use the definition to come up with your own ways to have fun with this fetish with your subs.

– Explain what a big loser the sub is and why no one will ever want him
– Flick the sub off and use the L sign with your hands as you are verbally humiliating him.
– Call the sub many names and use harsh phrases such as “Fuck you” throughout the session.

How to learn Verbal Humiliation Fetish?

Please see my article on How to Learn FemDom Fetishes.