Domme Spotlight Interview

Empress Mika

Domme Source

How did you discover the world of FemDom and what attracted you to it?

Empress Mika

All My life, My friends and family have called Me, “Princess” as a nickname. Of course, this is all before I even knew what FemDom was. FemDom has always been such a natural part of My personality.

It wasn’t until I started camming, as a non-nude tease model, that I learned what FemDom actually was. I learned through the relationships I had formed with submissive men while camming… who, go figure, were naturally attracted to Me and My personality. Needless to say, I knew FemDom was perfect for Me.

It sounds cheesy but discovering FemDom was literally as though I had discovered My destiny. Everything just fell into place.

Domme Source

How long have you been a Domme and have you noticed any differences in the industry between now and when you first started?

Empress Mika

I’ve been a Domme officially for over two years now. It doesn’t seem like a long time but it feels like I’ve been doing FemDom My life, haha.

The big changes I’ve seen are definitely more and more women entering the FemDom industry and a more open attitude towards FemDom in general. It was due to these reasons, in part, that I wanted to create a website that could serve as a resource for all of this influx of newer Dommes and submissives that were interested in it. Hence, DommeSource was born.

Domme Source

What are some of your most memorable moments as a FemDomme?

Empress Mika

I have so many memorable moments as a Domme but, if I had to pick something to focus on, it would surely be the relationships I have built up with My slaves. I suppose this isn’t a particular “moment” per say but rather it’s a collection of moments and memories that form My relationship with each of them individually.

It was through these relationships that I learned so much more about Myself as a Domme and about the FemDom world in general in a much deeper and meaningful way. My slaves really inspired Me to fully embrace FemDom and be Myself genuinely. This really made Me enjoy FemDom so much more.

The change had such an impact on Me that it inspired Me to change My name from “Princess Mika” to “Empress Mika”. Princess was a younger and more under developed version of Myself as a Domme. Now that I have developed so much, I feel Empress best represents Me currently. It is a celebration of both My evolution as a Domme as well as a celebration of the relationships I have with My slaves.

DommeSource Empress Mika

Domme Source

Please share one factoid about yourself that your subs and fellow FemDommes may be surprised to find out.

Empress Mika

Most people are quite surprised to find out that I actually love playing video games and e-sports. My favorite games are FFXI, FFXIV, Lineage 2 and League of Legends.

Domme Source

What are some things you wish you knew about being a Domme before you started?

Empress Mika

When I first started, I would try nearly every fetish and custom order that I felt comfortable with. After doing it, if I didn’t enjoy it, I simply wouldn’t do it again but would still put the clip up for sale on My stores.

However, I learned that this does not work for Me. The types of clips I put up directly result in the types of sub that I attract. So, the clips I ended up not really enjoying were attracting subs that enjoyed that clip and/or fetish. So, it resulted in a mismatch.

Now, I am very selective about what I put up in My clip store, especially if I discover during the clip process that I didn’t quite enjoy it. Although now, I have a much better handle on what I enjoy and what I don’t enjoy in FemDom.

DommeSource Empress Mika

Domme Source

If you could change one thing about the FemDom industry, what would it be?

Empress Mika

I wish that there were better resources available in FemDom but this is exactly why I created DommeSource. I strongly believe in being the change I want to see.

Domme Source

What are your favorite fetishes to indulge in with your subs?

Empress Mika

A few of My favorites include: Height Humiliation, Coerced Bi, and Foot Fetish. However, I strongly feel I can take almost any fetish and twist it into something really fun for Myself (and My sub/slave).

DommeSource Empress Mika

Domme Source

Do you have any least favorite fetishes and why?

Empress Mika

I am strongly against racial humiliation as well as male subs requesting any kind of female humiliation.

Domme Source

Outside of FemDom, what are some of your hobbies?

Empress Mika

This should come as no surprise to those subs and slaves that know Me well but I enjoy swimming, gaming, K-pop, K-drama and spending time with My 3 rescue cats.

DommeSource Empress Mika

Domme Source

Does FemDom actually turn you on? If not, what does?

Empress Mika

Absolutely not. For Me, this works perfectly as I enjoy remaining in control at all times. For Me, FemDom is very amusing, entertaining and fun… but not at all sexually satisfying for Me.

As for what actually turns Me on, I first look for a guy who is fiercely intelligent. Without that kind of intellectual respect and interest from Me, things cannot progress.

Domme Source

What are some of your turn offs?

Empress Mika

Subs actually turn Me off, haha. Gross. :P

DommeSource Empress Mika

Domme Source

Describe your ideal slave / sub.

Empress Mika

For subs, I enjoy many personalities and fetishes and have no real expectations here other than respect.

When it comes to My slaves, however, things become a lot more serious for Me. Again, I am open to various personalities but the main quality that I look for is a genuine desire to serve Me (as oppose to serving his own dick and/or desires).

I have an entire e-course that trains My ideal slaves so anyone looking to be My slave has to pass before becoming My trial slave.

Domme Source

What could a sub do that would please and/or impress you the most?

Empress Mika

As far as first impressions go, the bar is set pretty low since most online subs I’ve encountered are completely clueless and have a disgusting sense of entitlement to My time. Therefore, what would please and impress Me the most is tributing with your first message to Me after having taken the time to read through My website to learn the basics about Me.

DommeSource Empress Mika

Domme Source

What is your favorite aspect of being a FemDomme?

Empress Mika

My favorite part about being a FemDomme is tough to explain. For Me, it’s as though it was the last puzzle piece and it really made My life make a lot more sense. I love being Myself everyday, I love interacting with My slaves every day (they are not just slaves but also My friends) and creating FemDom content that I love. For these things to actually pay My bills and beyond… I feel forever happy.

Domme Source

Please comment on how you feel about performing in clips, on cam, and in person. Do you offer each of these? How do you feel about them?

Empress Mika

I enjoy creating clips the most because it’s an outlet for the most creativity for Me. I can control My outfit, hair, make-up, lighting, angles and then special effects in post production without much distraction. This is how I really work best.

I do also enjoy camming because I can interact with My slaves and subs in real time. A lot of the creative process has been removed but it is replaced with quality time and lots of laughs (at least on My part).

I am asked so much about in-person sessions and, for now, you have to be My slave for Me to even consider it. Honestly, I am so busy with My various ventures between clips, camming, membership site, fan club, social media, and running DommeSource that it isn’t something I give too much thought to.

Domme Source

Is there anything else you’d like to say to the DommeSource audience, to both fellow Dommes and subs?

Empress Mika

Thank you to everyone who is here on DommeSource! I really hope that this website is the FemDom Resource that we all deserve. You being here shows a willingness to grow, whether you are a Domme or a sub. So, thank you and I look forward to the future.

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